There is a trend of asking questions in the UPSC Civil Services Exam from the events that are in news related to the subject. A large number of questions in the exam are directly asked from websites; like PIB, Down to Earth or Newspaper; like The Hindu, Indian Express, Times of India, Business Standard etc. It is very challenging to study from all these sources in a limited time during preparation. Keeping all these things in mind, all the important news is compiled in this section on a daily basis; so that you do not miss any important event from the exam point of view.
The Global Hunger Index (GHI) rank of India for 2021 is 101 out of 116 countries shows the severity of the hunger problem in India.Barring last year’s rank of 94 out of 107 countries, India’s rank has been between 100 and 103 since 2017.
The 26th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will take place in Glasgow, United Kingdom this year.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in June published a “Consultative Document on Regulation of Microfinance” with the objective of promoting the financial inclusion of the poor and competition among lenders.
The first United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) 2021 held in September concluded to find solutions and ‘catalyse momentum’ to transform the way the world produces, consumes, and thinks about food and help address rising hunger.
International 01-Oct-2021
The announcement of the new Australia-U.K.-U.S. (AUKUS) and the outcome of the recent Quad summit indicate that AUKUS will go on to form a key security arrangement of the Indo-Pacific region.
National 30-Sep-2021
Recently, Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana made a plea to ‘Indianise’ courts to make them responsive to the needs of the Indian citizens. Despite good intentions, the nation’s judiciary is hurtling due to the pendency of cases in courts across the country.
The covid pandemic and subsequent restrictions posed serious economic turmoil where most business plans and strategies faced near chaos. While the worst is over but economic glitches still remain in the economy.
The importance of effective governance and service delivery by city governments becomes important as Indians start to live in ‘smart cities’. In smart cities digital systems enable the use of data to continuously improve the functioning of cities.
Almost every year Floods have been a recurrent phenomenon in many parts of India specially in Bihar causing loss of lives and public property and bringing untold misery to the people.
Government shows restraints in giving data about migrants, frontline health workers who lost their lives during the pandemic, number of job losses, actual number of manual scavengers as well as people died due to lack of oxygen.
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