

Support and therapy can help individuals manage the challenges ASD presents


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that affects social communication, interactions, and behavior. 

A comprehensive national strategy required to curb salt consumption


The WHO recently published the ‘Global Report on Sodium Intake Reduction,’ which sheds light on the progress of its 194 member states towards reducing population sodium intake by 30% by 2025.

Investing in Indo-Pacific stability and prosperity


Recently, Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida visited India to engage with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on global and bilateral issues, focused on cooperation between the G-7 and the G-20 as Japan and India hold their presidencies, respectively.

On India’s Foreign Trade Policy


Recently, the Union Commerce, Industry and Textiles Minister unveiled a new Foreign Trade Policy that moves away from providing incentives to exporters, but lowers a few costs for smaller firms and promises swiffer clearances, along with a one-time amnesty scheme for export obligation defaults.

The UN resolution seeking ‘advisory opinion’ of the International Court of Justice


The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution that asked the International Court of Justice at The Hague to provide an opinion on what kind of obligations countries have towards climate change reduction, based on the promises they have made to the U.N. Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Quality Control Orders for the Indian textile and clothing industry


Recently, Quality Control Orders (QCO) have been issued for fibers like cotton, polyester and viscose that constitute the basic raw materials for the majority of the Indian textile and clothing industry.

Consequences of climate change 


The Synthesis Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a U.N. expert body that determines the global scientific consensus on the consequences of climate change observed that by not degrading existing ecosystems.

Waste management in the solar photovoltaic sector


In the last few years there has been a concerted push from policymakers and thought leaders in India to transition to a circular economy to enable effective waste management, however, waste management in the solar photovoltaic sector still lacks clear directives.

Facilitate the transition towards a sustainable blue economy


The oceans hold untrammelled opportunities for the prosperity of our planet, thus it is not surprising that the most prosperous cities and countries are endowed with a coast.

Viral surveillance and monitoring


As life evolved from single-celled organisms to increasingly complex forms, the amount of genetic data that had to be transferred to subsequent generations became correspondingly higher.

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