There is a trend of asking questions in the UPSC Civil Services Exam from the events that are in news related to the subject. A large number of questions in the exam are directly asked from websites; like PIB, Down to Earth or Newspaper; like The Hindu, Indian Express, Times of India, Business Standard etc. It is very challenging to study from all these sources in a limited time during preparation. Keeping all these things in mind, all the important news is compiled in this section on a daily basis; so that you do not miss any important event from the exam point of view.
Recently many countries announced net-zero emission targets. In the next 30 years, they aim to reduce their emissions of climate change-causing carbon dioxide and other GHGs.
International Relation 26-Mar-2021
The friendship between India and Bangladesh is historic, evolving over the last 50 years. India’s political, diplomatic, military and humanitarian support during Bangladesh’s Liberation War played an important role towards Bangladesh’s independence.
While world is still in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is airborne, world has forgotten that another such blight could well come from contaminated water.
Government is putting the flagging economyback on center stage after announcing the biggest privatization drive in more than a decade and making renewed attempts to ring fence the crisis-ridden shadow banking sector.
Recently, several petitions were submitted to the Courts, seeking permission for aborting pregnancies at a gestational age beyond the current permissible limit on grounds of foetal abnormalities or pregnancies due to sexual violence faced by women.
India suffered serious economic contraction due to the COVID lockdown. But the Indian economy now appears to have turned the corner.
Recent U.S. Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin’s visit to New Delhi was significant for many reasons.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi travels to Dhaka this week to commemorate an important moment in the subcontinent’s modern history i.e. Bangladesh’s Declaration of Independence from Pakistan 50 years ago.
Women everywhere carry a disproportionately higher burden of unpaid work, namely, unpaid domestic services as well as unpaid care of children, the old and the disabled for their respective households.
National 22-Mar-2021
Asia watchers observing that China will no more remain economic growth engine in Asia rather this decade belongs to India.
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