

A Good and Simple Tax needs greater Centre-States dialogue 


Recently, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council met over two days in its first ‘regular’ meeting after a nine-month break in Chandigarh.

The issues in anti-defection law


The political developments in Maharashtra throw up troubling questions about how the political class is emasculating the anti-defection law which was described by the Supreme Court of India ..

Approach to conservation


The mobilisation of private and public finance for Payments for Ecosystem Services is not get due attention in India as in many parts of the world.

Counter the Belt and Road initiative


Recently, the G7 allies unveiled the ambitious Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII), announcing the collective mobilisation of $600 billion by 2027 to deliver “game-changing” and “transparent” infrastructure projects to developing and middle-income countries.

Freebies and the costs of fiscal profligacy


Electoral promises on freebies raise several questions of sustainability, efficiency, opportunity cost and the best possible use of public money etc.

The maturing relationship with UAE 


This week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended two meetings, one as a ‘special invitee’ at the 48th G7 Summit at Schloss Elmou in Germany and second a bilateral summit in Abu Dhabi with the UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan.

On removing right to abortion


Millions of women in the US will lose the constitutional right to abortion inthe U.S. as the Supreme Court overturned its 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision.

Inclusive and sustainable global value chains through MSME


Every year on June 27, World MSME Day provides us with the opportunity to appreciate their valuable contribution to job creation and sustainable development across the world. 

On the 14th BRICS Summit


Beijing has been hosting a virtual forum of the 14th BRICS nations summit (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa ) which account for over 40 percent of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world's gross domestic product.

App-based attendance creates chaos in NREGA


The Union government has made capturing of attendance through its app, National Mobile Monitoring System, compulsory at worksites where 20 or more workers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) are employed.

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