

India’s deepening water stress


The Global Water System Project  launched in 2003 epitomises global concern about the human-induced transformation of fresh water and its impact on the earth system and society.

China’s takeaways from the war


Like India, China also abstained on the U.S.-sponsored United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution condemning Russia for the invasion of Ukraine. 

Rationalize tobacco and their taxation under GST


India is reported to have lost half a million of its people to the Covid-19 pandemic over the past two years which despite a high degree of societal attention remains a serious public health concern worldwide.

Working women too dream of good childcare


The theme for International Women’s Day 2022 is ‘gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow’, however, gender equality is still a far cry for India’s female informal workforce.

Variants might not evolve to become less virulent


Recently, World Health Organization technical lead on Covid-19, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, cautioned that the pandemic is far from over and new variants will emerge and such variants could be more transmissible than the Omicron BA.2 variant.

Nord Stream 2 in the cross hairs


Russia’s attack on Ukraine has triggered “unprecedented’ economic sanctions but one of the key issues at the bottom of the conflict is the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Gap in India’s supply of quality education against the demand


It is estimated that around 20,000 Indian students (Majority of medical students) were stranded in Ukraine; thus, the work of the Union government, complemented by the efforts of some active State governments, is aimed at bringing our fellow citizens back home.

Towards reinventing multilateral institutions


In the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war, the world has imposed some of the most wide-ranging sanctions seen in recent times to isolate Russia but the international world order has failed to prevent the war.

The debate around the Silver Line


The SilverLine project is the proposed semi high-speed railway in Kerala funded partly by the State government is yet to convince the people that the railway line can be a catalyst for a progressive transformation of Kerala’s economy.

Time to discuss the advances of modern science and their repercussions


Indians spend very little time discussing the advances of modern science and their repercussions for public life because of the oscillating election cycle.

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