

HIV and stem cell transplant


Recently, a U.S. patient with leukemia has become the first woman and the third person to date to be cured of HIV after receiving a stem cell transplant from a donor who was naturally resistant to the virus that causes AIDS.

For a more federal judiciary


The federalist nature of our country is part and parcel of the basic structure of the Constitution thus India needs to strengthen federal structure not only  in relation to the legislature and the executive but also to the federal nature of our judiciary.

Ensuring road safety


The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways had participated in Third High Level Global Conference on Road Safety for Achieving Global Goals 2030 held in Sweden in 2020 where it was conceptualised to have zero road fatalities in India by 2030.

Budget’s ‘crypto signal’ awaits reforms


In the Union Budget 2022-23, Finance Minister Nirmala announced a 30% flat tax rate levied on any gains made from the transfer of virtual assets including cryptocurrencies and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

Finance for green growth and innovation


The COP26 summit propelled several countries to scale up their climate ambitions and particularly marked a turning point for India, with a commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2070.

Potential of India’s geospatial sector


Last year, new guidelines took effect to completely de-regulate the geospatial sector for Indians so after a year, it is time to look back and assess its impact and identify the bottlenecks so that the full potential of the geospatial sector can be realised.

Achieving semiconductor dream


The pandemic has brought to the fore the fragility of the global supply chain of semiconductor manufacturing; however, the supply disruptions would not worsen in 2022 as the Omicron surge should have a milder impact on the chip supply chain.

Ensuring occupational safety


Recently, the CRUSHED Report 2021 released by Safe in India (SII), portrays a dismal picture concerning occupational safety and health in the auto sector.

Philippines deal for BrahMos missiles


India has formally inked its first major defence system export deal with the Philippines, signing a $375 million contract for the BrahMos shore-based anti-ship missile system.

Tackling cyber threats


Cyber attacks may be a relatively new phenomenon, but in a short time frame have come to be assessed as dangerous as terrorism because of ever-evolving nature of security risks.

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