

Breaking the logjam, handing over the baton


For the first time ever, the Supreme Court Collegium led by the Chief Justice of India (CJI) recommended/selected as many as nine persons at one go to be appointed to the apex court. With the appointment of the judges, the highest court in the country having its near full strength will ease the pressure on it considerably.

The fall of Kabul, the future of regional geopolitics

International 23-Aug-2021

The fall of Kabul in the wake of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan will prove to be a defining moment for the region and the future shape of its geopolitics. For New Delhi, the fall of Kabul is a moment of reckoning and it must rethink its regional strategies and options.

Growth needs steps beyond reforms


The Indian economy has travelled through an eventful period through the last three decades. In the post-independence economic history of our country, 1991 stands out as a watershed year as the economy was faced with a severe balance of payments crisis.

The message from the IPCC report


The recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), titled ‘Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis’, is the first of four that the Panel will issue over the next one and a half years.

Startup ecosystem can help India become powerhouse of global economy


India has one of the youngest populations with 62 per cent of the population in the working age group and 54 per cent below the age of 25. Thus India has the advantage of leveraging the skill and ability of our youth to drive the nation forward through productive output and innovation.

Bringing women into the workforce


There are many reasons to cheer for all those committed to gender equality in 75 years of independence.Women empowerment at every sphere of life is reflected through there participation in education, employment, sex ratio etc.

Parliament is abdicating its oversight role


The monsoon session of Parliament which ended recently was a disappointment in several ways. This was the fourth straight session that ended ahead of the original schedule — other than the cancelled winter 2020 session.

Minority schools be brought under RTE


The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has released a report titled “Impact of Exemption under Article 15 (5) with regards to Article 21A of the Constitution of India on Education of Children in Minority Communities”.

Reviving Russia’s role in the Indo-Pacific


Fifty years ago, India and the former Soviet Union had signed a Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation on August 9, 1971. Apart from changing the contours of South Asian and global politics, the treaty could also be seen as the harbinger of the idea of the Indo-Pacific between India and Russia.

Status check on world climate


Recently, the world has seen unexpected floods in Europe and China, record-breaking heat-waves in the United States, and deadly forest fires in Siberia, and Turkey and Greece. Amid gloomy predictions of a continued rise in the frequency and intensity of such extreme weather events, all attributable to global warming, scientists are set to present the most comprehensive health check-up of the Earth’s climate.

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