

How to Prepare Current Affairs for UPSC?

There is a trend of asking questions in the UPSC Civil Services Exam from the events that are in news related to the subject. A large number of questions in the exam are directly asked from websites; like PIB, Down to Earth or Newspaper; like The Hindu, Indian Express, Times of India, Business Standard etc. It is very challenging to study from all these sources in a limited time during preparation. Keeping all these things in mind, all the important news is compiled in this section on a daily basis; so that you do not miss any important event from the exam point of view.

Click here to read the most important news of the day

Towards permanent presence in Arctic


The recently released India’s Arctic Policy fulfills a longstanding need for a clear articulation on a rapidly transforming Arctic, which is warming three times faster than the rest of the world.

The road to an Electric Vehicle future


The spike in demand for EVs, led primarily due to a conducive regulatory framework, has in turn attracted overseas investments into the sector. 

Changes in the textile segment to sustain and grow business


Bangladesh overtook India in exports of the global textiles and clothing in the past decade as Indian labour costs resulted in products becoming 20% more expensive.

Tree-planting should friendly to local biodiversity


The UN General Assembly has proclaimed March 21 as the International Day of Forests to celebrate and raise awareness about the importance of forests.

An efficient waste management ecosystem


This year's Budget emphasised the role of cleaner technologies such as solar energy & batteries and the importance of transitioning to a circular economy for India’s future economic growth.

Towards inclusive education


The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 guarantees to every disabled person a large bouquet of rights and entitlements but the reality that disabled persons confront in their everyday lives is far removed from the law’s progressive vision. 

The ‘might is right’ world order


The Ukraine crisis has exposed the weakness of international law in general and the hollowness of the principle of sovereign equality in particular. 

The vulnerabilities of nuclear reactors 


The world was reminded recently that nuclear technology is hazardous in the incident when a fire broke out near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine (Europe’s largest) during the course of a military battle.

Ukraine crisis and fragmented world order


Russia’s attack on Ukraine has worried many nations specially on the impact the Ukraine crisis is having on the global world order, which is fragmenting in every respect of global interconnectedness i.e. in terms of international cooperation, security, military use, economic order, and even cultural ties.

Reviving the JCPOA


The Vienna talks aimed at reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal, have hit a wall after Russia sought sanctions exemptions for its future trade and defence ties with Iran.

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