

Need more disclosures from foreign portfolio investors


The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) floated a consultation paper that proposed additional disclosures from Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs). 

The melting of Arctic sea ice


The recent studies stated that loss of Arctic sea ice is inevitable in the decades ahead, even if the world somehow gets its act together and sharply reduces carbon emissions.

The Hiroshima process 


Recently, the annual Group of Seven (G7) Summit was hosted by Japan which took place in Hiroshima.

The National Institutional Ranking Framework


The eighth edition of NIRF, released by the Ministry of Education, is an assessment of universities and colleges in India.

Address child trafficking


The Global Slavery Index 2023 shows the world’s 20 richest countries account for more than half the estimated 50 million people living in ‘modern slavery’

Cyclone affecting the monsoon’s onset


The impact of global warming on the monsoons are manifest in the onset, withdrawal, its seasonal total rainfall, and its extremes.

For better India-Nepal ties


Driven by challenges presented by the post-COVID-19 world, current realities as well as huge opportunities, India and Nepal were able to review the entire spectrum of the bilateral agenda covering political, economic, trade, energy, security and developmental cooperation.

Indian cities to become low carbon


Given the significant impact that cities have on the environment, low-carbon cities are crucial to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Issues related to the quality of generic drugs


The Director General of Health Services (DGHS) issued an order reiterating directions that doctors in Central government hospitals prescribe only generic medicines instead of branded drugs.

The Kosovo-Serbia conflict


Recently, clashes broke out between Serbs protesting in North Kosovo and the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFor), leaving about 30 NATO soldiers and 50 Serbs injured.

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