There is a trend of asking questions in the UPSC Civil Services Exam from the events that are in news related to the subject. A large number of questions in the exam are directly asked from websites; like PIB, Down to Earth or Newspaper; like The Hindu, Indian Express, Times of India, Business Standard etc. It is very challenging to study from all these sources in a limited time during preparation. Keeping all these things in mind, all the important news is compiled in this section on a daily basis; so that you do not miss any important event from the exam point of view.
The controversy over the very meaning of ‘We the People’, after the speech made by the Vice-President of India and Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Jagdeep Dhankhar was erupted as he viewed that ‘We the People’ essentially gives primacy to elected members of Parliament and the State legislatures.
Children with disability/disabilities (CWD) needed higher care to complete basic tasks which required physical involvement like playing or going to the toilet and became tougher in schools which do not have accessible spaces and other guiding infrastructure to get there safely.
The draft Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Bill, 2022 currently provides for mandatory parental consent for all data processing activities by children, defined as any person aged under 18 years.
Internationalization of higher education has been a cherished dream of foreign universities operating in India by providing conducive conditions and an enabling framework for such institutions.
The democracy that is functional around the world today was essentially a 19th century to 20th century western creation.
More than three decades after the 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts, State governments, through the local bureaucracy, continue to exercise considerable discretionary authority and influence over panchayats.
The latest decline in population of the world’s most populous country by as much as 8,50,000 in 2022 marks a watershed moment with lasting consequences for China and the world.
Ten years have passed since the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012, enacted in consequence to India’s ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1992, came into effect on November 14, 2012.
The World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2023 (WESO Trends), released by the ILO said the total working hours per person are still below pre-pandemic levels in the Asia Pacific region.
A new study by researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have reported that a particular genus of plankton can consume viruses as well as “grow and divide given only viruses to eat”.
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