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Artificial Sun: Nuclear fusion reactor makes history, sets new world record

Prelims: Artificial Sun
Mains: General Studies Paper-3, Science and Technology- Development and Applications.

Why in the NEWS?

  • A world record for nuclear fusion has been smashed after an ‘artificial sun’ reactor was able to maintain a plasma for more than 22 minutes.


Key Points:

  • The WEST reactor succeeded in maintaining plasma for more than 22 minutes. 
  • This historic achievement is a major advance in the field of nuclear fusion.
  • Earlier, it was possible to keep the plasma stable for only a few minutes in this type of reactor. 
  • But the WEST reactor maintained it for twice the time, which has given new impetus to the efforts to make the fusion process a reality.

What will you read next in this topic?

  • Importance of Nuclear Fusion Reactor:
  • Plasma and its Requirements:
  • Controlling plasma with magnetic fields:
  • Difference between Fusion and Fission:
  • Comparison with China's EAST reactor:
  • Future Challenge:
  • Future of Clean and Safe Energy:
  • Impact of West Reactor:

Importance of Nuclear Fusion Reactor:

  • Nuclear fusion is the process by which the Sun and other stars generate their energy.
  • In this, lighter elements, such as hydrogen, fuse with each other to form heavier elements, such as helium, and a lot of energy is released.
  • The energy produced by this process is not only clean, but the waste produced is also less and less harmful, making it a solution to future energy crisis.

Plasma and its Requirements:

  • Nuclear fusion requires a special state of plasma, called the 'fourth state'.
  • This is in the ionized form of gas, where the atomic nuclei and their electrons are separated.
  • To produce this, the reactor has to be heated to a temperature of more than 50 million degrees Celsius.
  • This temperature is close to the temperature of the center of the Sun.

Controlling plasma with magnetic fields:

  • Because plasma is so hot that it cannot be contained with normal materials, powerful magnetic fields are used.
  • These magnetic fields keep the plasma away from the reactor walls, so that it does not cool and lose energy.
  • Waste reactors use superconducting coils, which produce extremely strong magnetic fields and keep the plasma compressed into a doughnut shape.

Difference between Fusion and Fission:

Nuclear Fusion:

  • Nuclear fusion is the process in which two lighter atomic nuclei (such as deuterium and tritium, which are isotopes of hydrogen) fuse together to form a heavier atomic nucleus (such as helium).
  • Just like in the Sun, two atoms of hydrogen fuse to produce helium and a lot of energy.
  • This energy is so high that it can be used to produce electricity on Earth.
  • Fusion results in less and less harmful radioactive waste.
  • Also, the waste that is produced has a much shorter lifespan and is less dangerous.
  • The elements used in fusion, such as deuterium and tritium, are readily available and do not contain radioactivity, making it a safe energy source.
  • The energy produced by fusion is very high, and it also has a low environmental impact.
  • This waste can be safely handled.
  • This process can be a very clean and effective energy source in the future.


  • Nuclear fission is the process in which the nucleus of a heavy atom (such as uranium or plutonium) is split, forming two lighter atomic nuclei and releasing energy.
  • In this process, a heavy atomic nucleus (such as uranium-235) is split by bombarding it with neutrons.
  • The energy produced by the splitting is used to produce electricity.
  • Nuclear fission produces a lot of energy, but the energy produced during this process can be difficult to control.
  • Fission also results in the production of a lot of radioactive waste, which is harmful in the long run.
  • There are difficulties in storing and destroying these wastes in a safe manner, which adversely affects the environment.
  • The elements used in fission (such as uranium or plutonium) are radioactive and it is challenging to store and destroy its waste in a safe manner.
  • Furthermore, operating fission reactors can be risky.
  • The energy produced from nuclear fission is enormous and it is currently being widely used for power generation.
  • But there is the problem of waste and radioactive materials produced.

Why is fusion considered better?

  • Cleanliness: Fusion produces less radioactive waste, while fission produces more waste. Fusion waste is less harmful and has a shorter life span.
  • Safety: The fuel used for fusion (such as deuterium and tritium) is safe and has no adverse effect on the environment, while fission uses heavy atoms such as uranium, which can be harmful to the environment.
  • Energy production: The energy produced by fusion is very high, and does not require any special radioactive elements. It also has a very low environmental impact.

Comparison with China's EAST reactor:

  • Earlier, China's EAST (Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak) reactor had maintained plasma for 20 minutes. 
  • The West reactor has set a new milestone by extending this record to 22 minutes.
  • This progress is an important step for the development of nuclear fusion technology, allowing this technology to be used commercially in the future.

Future Challenge:

  • However, there are still many challenges to commercially implement a nuclear fusion reactor. 
  • These include the construction cost of the reactor, collecting the energy generated, converting it into electricity, and connecting it to the national grid.
  • Also, keeping the plasma stable at high temperature and pressure remains the biggest challenge. 
  • Controlling it for a sufficient time is a necessary condition for commercially implementing nuclear fusion.

Future of Clean and Safe Energy:

  • Nuclear fusion can become a clean and safe energy source. 
  • It has two main fuels deuterium and tritium, which can be obtained from sea water, so there will be no shortage of fuel.
  • The main advantage of energy produced from fusion is that the waste produced is harmful for a short time, and it is easy to control. 
  • This can reduce dependence on fossil fuels in future.

Impact of West Reactor:

  • The success of West Reactor in maintaining plasma for 22 minutes is not only important from a scientific point of view, but it also provides a great hope for global energy policy and environmental protection.
  • After this, experiments will continue in this reactor and other reactors, so that the process can be kept stable for a longer time to generate more energy.

Q. What is the primary challenge in commercially implementing nuclear fusion technology?

(a) Lack of deuterium and tritium fuel

(b) Difficulty in controlling plasma at high temperatures and pressures

(c) Cost of constructing the reactor

(d) All of the above

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