There is a trend of asking questions in the UPSC Civil Services Exam from the events that are in news related to the subject. A large number of questions in the exam are directly asked from websites; like PIB, Down to Earth or Newspaper; like The Hindu, Indian Express, Times of India, Business Standard etc. It is very challenging to study from all these sources in a limited time during preparation. Keeping all these things in mind, all the important news is compiled in this section on a daily basis; so that you do not miss any important event from the exam point of view.
National 24-Nov-2020
Agriculture and rural sector can pay huge contribution in the economic recovery after the pandemic.
National 23-Nov-2020
Information based technology is playing very significant role in economic growth, as well as other dimensions of economic and social development.
National 23-Nov-2020
India’s first Pan India time use survey- 2019, was released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation in early October.
National 21-Nov-2020
India decided to withdraw from the RCEP due to the concern about the size of its trade deficit. The tension with China in Ladakh is also a factor.
National 20-Nov-2020
The Union Home Ministry has notified new land laws for the UT of Jammu and Kashmir that came in force with immediate effect.
National 19-Nov-2020
The Reserve Bank of India made a forecast in its latest monthly bulletin that India is in a technical recession.
National 17-Nov-2020
The Mining is indispensable for the individual, for the society, and for the development of the nations.
National 13-Nov-2020
Reduced to mere advisory bodies, India’s pollution control boards are unable to regulate air quality.
National 12-Nov-2020
The 15th Finance Commission is learnt to have recommended that states get 41% of central tax revenues, the same level that it proposed in its interim report for 2020-21 a year ago.
National 11-Nov-2020
Vietnam’s total merchandise exports grew at an annualised average rate of 18 per cent in the last 10 years till 2019, as compared with India’s 5 per cent.
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