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What are GM crops?

  • Genetically Modified (GM) crops are plants whose DNA has been modified by genetic engineering techniques.
  • The aim is to develop useful characteristics in crops such as insect resistance, herbicide tolerance and nutritional improvement.

Key features of GM crops

  • Pest Resistance – Some GM crops contain genes from bacteria called BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS (BT), which produce insecticidal proteins to protect against pests and reduce the need for chemical pesticides.
  • Herbicide Tolerance – Some GM crops are able to tolerate certain types of herbicides, allowing farmers to control weeds without harming the crop.
  • Drought and Disease Resistance – Genetically modified crops are more tolerant to extreme climatic conditions, such as drought and diseases.
  • Improved Nutritional Content – ​​Some GM crops, such as Golden Rice, have enhanced vitamins and other essential nutrients to address malnutrition.

Examples of GM Crops

  • ???? Bt Cotton – It contains the BT gene, which makes it resistant to the bollworm.
  • ???? Golden Rice – It has the ability to produce vitamin A, which provides nutritional benefits.
  • ???? GM Maize & Soybean – These have been developed for herbicide tolerance and insect resistant characteristics.
  • ???? GM Brinjal – It has immunity to insects that damage fruits and stems.

Benefits of GM Crops

  • Higher Yield – Productivity increases due to reduced crop losses.
  • Reduced Pesticide Use – GM crops are naturally pest resistant, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.
  • Environmental Benefits – The use of fewer pesticides reduces the amount of pollution in soil and water sources.
  • Nutritional Enhancement – ​​GM crops help solve the problem of malnutrition by increasing essential vitamins and nutrients.
  • Climate Resilience – These crops are more tolerant to drought, high temperatures and various diseases.

Concerns and Challenges

  • Environmental Risks – GM crops may have a potential impact on biodiversity and may have a negative impact on pollinators.
  • Health Concerns – Research is still ongoing on the long-term health effects of GM crops.
  • Resistance Development – ​​Over time, pests and weeds may become resistant to GM crops, reducing their effectiveness.
  • Economic & Ethical Issues – Farmers may become increasingly dependent on large biotechnology companies, leading to disputes over patents and rights related to seeds.

Regulation & Approval

  • Different countries have different regulations regarding GM crops.
  • GM crops are grown on a large scale in countries like the US, Brazil and Canada.
  • Strict restrictions have been imposed on GM crops in the European Union (EU).
  • BT COTTON has been approved in India, but controversy over other GM crops is still ongoing.

GM Mustard

  • It is known as Dhara Mustard Hybrid-11.
  • It has been developed by scientists of the Centre for Genetic Manipulation of Crop Plants, Delhi University.
  • For this, crossing of the Indian variety of mustard Varuna was done with the Eastern European variety Early Heera-2.
  • DMH-11 has been created through transgenic technology, which mainly includes Bar, Barnes and Barstar genes.
  • The Bar gene makes it herbicide tolerant.
  • The Barnes gene provides sterility, due to which it does not self-pollinate.
  • While the Barstar gene restores the ability of DMH-11 to produce fertile seeds.
  • DMH-11 is an insect and disease resistant variety, which can reduce the expenditure on pesticides on its cultivation.


  • India has to import a variety of oils including palm, soybean and sunflower to meet 70% of its domestic demand for edible oil.
  • Mustard productivity in India is about one tonne per hectare, which is one-third of countries like Canada, China and Australia.
  • DMH-11 provides about 30% more yield than a conventional mustard variety.
  • During limited field trials of DMH-11 conducted for three years at several locations, it provided about 28% higher yield than the national check Varun and 37% higher yield than the zonal check RL1359.
  • Cultivation of GM mustard will increase production, thereby reducing the huge import bill for edible oil.
  • GM mustard also does not negatively affect the pollination habits of bees.
  • According to the data recorded during the trials, the visitation of bees to transgenic lines is similar to that of non-transgenic counterparts.
  • As per the field trials conducted to assess the impact on human health and environment under the prescribed guidelines, GM mustard is safe for use in food and feed.


  • GM mustard may have adverse effects on biosafety, environment, human and animal health.
  • DMH-11 contains foreign genes, which make the plant resistant to drugs.
  • Thus it will force farmers to use only select brands of agrochemicals.
  • It may pose a threat to local varieties of crops.

Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC)

  • Genesis: Statutory committee constituted under the "Rules for Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and the Storage of Hazardous Micro-organisations, Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells, 1989".
  • The rules are framed under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
  • Ministry: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEF&CC)
  • Responsibilities:
  • Appraisal of proposals relating to the release of Genetically Engineered (GE) organisms and products.
  • Appraisal of activities involving large-scale use of hazardous microorganisms and recombinants in research and industrial production.
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