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Higgs Boson: The God Particle of the Universe

Peter Higgs and his Contribution:

  • Peter Higgs presented a revolutionary idea in 1964, in which he defined the Higgs field as an invisible field that is spread throughout the universe and provides mass to all elementary particles.
  • Along with this, he also proposed a fundamental particle called Higgs Boson, which we know today as the "God Particle".
  • His theory was proved by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments of CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in 2012, thereby setting a new milestone in modern physics.

Higgs field and mass:

  • Higgs field is the invisible energy-field that is spread in every corner of the universe and provides mass to elementary particles.
  • Every elementary particle has to interact with the Higgs field to gain its mass. 
  • This interaction is the process known as the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism.
  • The stronger the interaction between the particle and the Higgs field, the greater the mass of the particle. 
  • That is, the particle that interacts more deeply with the Higgs field, the heavier it becomes.

About Higgs boson:

  • Higgs boson is an elementary particle, which we commonly know as the God particle. 
  • It helps in solving the creation of the universe and the biggest mysteries of particle physics.
  • It is a boson particle, whose function is the transmission of forces. It is a scalar particle, whose spin is 0, that is, it has no rotation.
  • The mass of the Higgs boson is about 125.35 GeV (giga-electron volts), which makes it an extremely heavy particle.
  • It has a very short lifetime. It quickly decays into other particles, and is detected indirectly by observing the particles it decays into.

Key properties of the Higgs boson:

  • Mass: 125.35 GeV, making it a heavy particle.
  • Spin: A unique particle with a spin of 0, meaning it has no rotation.
  • Lifetime: Extremely short, and produced in high-energy collisions, it quickly decays into other particles.
  • Detection: The Higgs boson cannot be detected directly. The particles produced as a result of its decay are observed, which ultimately proves the existence of the Higgs boson.

CERN and Higgs boson research:

  • CERN's (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator, has been the main tool for detecting the existence of the Higgs boson.
  • This discovery not only amazed the world of physics, but it opened a new direction for all sciences, which is proving to be helpful in understanding the origin and structure of the universe.

Importance of CERN:

  • CERN was founded in 1954, and its purpose is to conduct collaborative research in high-energy particle physics.
  • CERN's contributions include the discovery of Z boson, W boson particles and the invention of the World Wide Web, which was done by Tim Berners-Lee.
  • CERN also developed the White Rabbit technology, which ensures extreme accuracy and synchronicity in particle accelerator systems.
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