
Impact of sea level rise on island nations

why in the news

About 300 families have recently been relocated from Gardi Sugdub Island in Panama's Guna Yala province due to concerns about rising sea levels. Sea levels are rising rapidly, primarily due to global warming, with vulnerable coastal areas and countries in the Global South most affected.

Global Sea Level Rise

  • Since 1880, global sea levels have risen by about 21–24 centimetres and the rate of rise has accelerated significantly in recent decades.
  • Global warming is a major cause, with the global average temperature increasing by about 1 °C since 1880. 

Location of Guna Yala


  • The Guna Yala region off the northern coast of Panama includes a strip of land and more than 350 surrounding islands.
  • The people of Gardi Sugdub Island are being resettled in a newly built housing development called Nuevo Carti on the mainland of Guna Yala
  • At present the sea level is rising by an average of 3-4 millimetres per year.
  • With global temperatures rising, this is expected to reach 1 centimetre per year or more by the late 2100s.

Causes of Sea Level Rise

  • Climate change: Climate change causes polar ice sheets and glaciers to continue melting, increasing the amount of water in the oceans.
  • Thermal expansion: When ocean water warms, it expands, causing sea levels to rise.
  • Human activities: Human activities such as deforestation, urbanization and industrialization also contribute to climate change which ultimately leads to sea level rise.

Impact on island nations

According to a 2022 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), small islands are particularly vulnerable to these changes because of their low elevation and high dependence on marine resources, with the impacts being:

  • Geographical impact: Many island nations may be submerged due to sea level rise. This not only reduces their land area but also affects their national boundaries.
  • Economic impact: A large part of the economy of island nations depends on tourism, fishing and agriculture. Sea level rise can harm these sectors, weakening their economic condition.
  • Social Effect :
  • Sea level rise may force people living on islands to abandon their homes, increasing the number of environmental refugees.
  • Small island developing states (SIDS) such as Tuvalu, the Marshall Islands and Kiribati are experiencing some of the most dramatic impacts of rising sea levels. These islands are facing threats such as losing their land as well as their culture.
  • The people living in Guna Yala are known for their vibrant molas.
    • Molas are intricately stitched garments that represent both artistic expression and cultural identity.
  • Health impacts: Waterlogging and saltwater mixing affect the quality of drinking water, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases.
  • Impact on Biodiversity:
  • Sea level rise can affect marine and coastal ecosystems, threatening local flora and fauna species.
  • Rising sea levels, combined with storm surges and 'king tides' (the highest tide of the year at a coastal location) are causing coastal erosion, salinisation of freshwater resources and increased vulnerability to extreme weather events.


  • Adaptation strategies: Strengthening coastal structures, improving water management systems and adopting technological measures to mitigate the impacts of sea level rise.
  • Preventing global warming: Making global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the use of renewable energy sources, and prevent deforestation.
  • International cooperation: Providing financial and technical assistance to island nations so they can cope with the effects of sea level rise.


Sea level rise is a serious problem that can have widespread and long-term impacts on island nations. It is essential that the global community works together to find solutions to this problem and ensure the safety and stability of island nations.

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