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Internet Shutdown Report

Prelims: Current Affairs
Mains: General Studies Paper-3 (Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc.; Challenges to Internal Security through Information Technology, Computers, Communication Networks)


  • Digital rights organization Access Now has released a report on internet shutdowns globally.

Key findings of the report:

Global status of internet shutdowns:

  • Last year, there were more than 296 government-imposed internet shutdowns in 54 countries, of which 202 were recorded in 11 countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
    • In India, the internet was shut down a total of 84 times. In this case, India's share in terms of internet shutdowns was 28%.
  • More than 103 conflict-related shutdowns have occurred in 11 countries, including India. The report sees shutdowns as other triggers to hide protests and instability, exams, elections and serious human rights violations.
  • Top 10 countries with the most internet shutdowns in 2024: Myanmar (85) > India (84) > Pakistan (21) > Russia > Ukraine > Palestine > Bangladesh > Iraq > Jordan > Sudan

India's situation:

  • According to the report, internet access was banned 84 times in India last year, which is less than in 2023. However, it is still the highest in any democratic country.
    • For the first time in the last six years, India is not at the top of the countries with the most frequent internet shutdowns.
  • According to the report, out of the 84 shutdowns, 41 were related to protests, while 23 shutdowns were due to communal violence.
    • Apart from this, internet was shut down five times last year during government job examinations.

State-wise statistics

  • As per the report, more than 16 Indian states and union territories have seen at least one internet shutdown.
  • Top states in terms of internet shutdowns: Manipur (21) > Haryana > Jammu & Kashmir

About Internet Shutdown:

  • Internet shutdown is enforced by the government to restrict online communication for a particular population or within a place for any period of time.
  • Regulation: Currently, suspension of telecom services (including internet shutdown) is governed by the Temporary Suspension of Telecom Services (Public Emergency or Public Safety) Rules, 2017 notified under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885.
    • It provides for temporary suspension of telecom services in an area on grounds of public emergency (for up to 15 days at a time)
    • The Act empowers the central government to regulate and license various types of telecom services, including internet services.
    • Orders for temporary suspension of telecom services are issued only by the Union/State Home Secretary.
    • Under the 2017 rules, a three-member review committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary at the central level and Chief Secretary at the state level reviews telecom/internet shutdown orders issued by the Central Government and the State Government respectively.

Reasons for Internet Shutdown:

  • To maintain public order
  • To prevent the spread of misinformation
  • To maintain security during protests and to prevent rumours etc.
  • To maintain security and sanctity in examinations
  • To control potential disturbances during communal violence

Effects of Internet Shutdown

  • Economic impact: Internet shutdowns can lead to disruption of business activity, investment disruptions and disruption of essential services like online banking and e-commerce, which ultimately impacts the country's GDP. 
    • According to a report, shutdowns have led to a loss of $118 million in foreign investment in India alone between January-June 2023.
  • Disruption of essential services: Internet shutdowns can disrupt access to critical services such as healthcare, education and emergency response.
  • Fundamental rights: Internet shutdowns affect access to information which impedes digital freedom and fundamental human rights (e.g. freedom of speech and expression: Article 19) etc.
  • Disaster management: Disruption in communication due to internet shutdowns hinders the dissemination of information regarding early warnings and evacuation routes, thereby increasing the impact of disasters.
  • Human rights violations: Shutdowns hinder accountability where attackers use disruptions to hide their crimes (e.g. murder, arson, gender-based violence, etc.)

Supreme Court View on Internet Shutdown

  • According to the Supreme Court, freedom of speech and expression and the freedom to practice any profession or to carry on any trade, occupation or business through the internet enjoy constitutional protection.
  • Further, the Court has directed that restrictions on the fundamental right to internet should be imposed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and any such restriction should have a proportionate rationale.
  • The Court held that internet shutdown can be authorised only under exigent circumstances.
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