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Refugees under India’s welfare umbrella

(MainsGS2:Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.)


  • The global theme for this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is “UNITE! Activism to end violence against women and girls”.
  • The 16 Days of Activism run annually from November 25, which is International Day Against Violence Against Women, to December 10, which is International Human Rights Day.

Exacerbate the situation:

  • World is faced with a global increase in reported domestic violence, child marriage, trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse.
  • The coup in Myanmar, a Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have each underscored the fact that women bear a disproportionate burden in conflict, especially those forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in other countries.
  •  Economic stressors resulting from COVID-19 exacerbate the situation as important markers in gender equality and the protection of civilians have been reversed in many countries.

India’s standing:

  • During the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, India was instrumental in ensuring that gender sensitive norms were respected by changing the language from ‘all men are created equal’ to ‘all human beings are....'
  • India has also ratified key international conventions to end discrimination against women which include the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
  • Women in India received universal suffrage during India’s independence in 1947 and continue to make progress in all areas of human endeavours, including politics, science, business, medicine, sports and agriculture.
  • Today, India has the largest number of women in the United Nations peacekeeping forces, thus showcasing the equal role that women can play in conflict-emerging countries and territories. 
  • The ‘Nari Shakti for New India’ campaign represents the aspirations of millions of women in India, who not only participate but lead development initiatives.

India’s refugee:

  • There are over 2,12,000 refugees in India including those supported by the Government of India, more than half of whom are women and girls. 
  • India ensures that refugees can access protection services that are on a par with their fellow Indian hosts. 
  • For those refugees registered directly by the Government such as those from Sri Lanka, they are entitled to Aadhaar cards and PAN cards to enable their economic and financial inclusion; they can have access to national welfare schemes and contribute effectively to the Indian economy. 
  • However, for those registered with UNHCR, such as refugees from Afghanistan, Myanmar and other countries, while they have access to protection and limited assistance services, they do not possess government-issued documentation. 
  • Thus, they are unable to open bank accounts, benefit from all government welfare schemes, and are thus inadvertently left behind. 
  • Including all refugees in existing national welfare and economic schemes would ensure their effective inclusion in social protection systems aligned to India’s commitment to all women, their protection and empowerment, regardless of their legal status, and will ensure that no one is left behind.


  • The commitment to prioritize gender equal programming by the Government of India is commendable and its resulting economic and social potential for women will build societal resilience to handle future shocks. 
  • As Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently observed: “The progress of humanity is incomplete without the empowerment of women”.
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