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Test of Migratory Bird Behaviour

Prelims: General Issues Related to Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change
Mains: General Studies Paper-3: (Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment)


Migratory birds come to many areas of India during winter.

Special Behaviour of Migratory Birds

  • Migration by birds is a special behaviour of birds. The climate of the place where birds migrate is suitable for them and they also get sufficient food.
    • According to biologists, birds usually migrate to those places where some offspring of their ancestors, that is, some of their relatives, is present.
  • Migratory birds migrate from 5 km to thousands of km. Before setting out on this long and difficult migration, birds eat a lot of food. This creates a layer of fat in their stomachs which provides them energy during the long journey.
  • Migratory birds usually migrate in flocks. During this period, many birds also die.
  • Most of the migratory birds travel at night to avoid the scorching sun, which mainly includes sparrows, Pitka and Kasturi etc.
  • The birds that migrate in flocks both during day and night include Neelkanth, Eagle, Swallow, Sohan Bird, Heron, Robin and Siberian Crane etc.

Main purpose of migration by birds:

  • Protection of survival from adverse weather: In winter season, birds usually migrate to plain areas or areas very close to the equator. In these areas, protection from severe cold and adequate food is available.
    • To avoid severe heat, birds migrate to North Pole or other cold places.
    • In winter, birds from cold places migrate to warm countries of the world including India.
  • Suitable place for breeding: They also get favorable environment at the migration site for breeding and progeny growth.

Direction knowledge by migratory birds

  • By biological clock: Migratory birds gain knowledge of direction from the changing positions of the sun while flying during the day. There is a biological clock in the body of every living being, with the help of which migratory birds estimate the direction according to the time of sunrise and sunset and the current position of the sun.
  • Help of stars: At night, birds estimate the direction with the help of stars.
  • Earth's magnetic field: Birds have such an ability that they feel the magnetic field of the earth and with its help they find the migration route. This is beneficial in the absence of sun and stars due to dense clouds in the sky.
  • Through the sense of smell: Some birds also use the sense of smell to determine the direction. They have the natural ability to move forward on the right path by smelling the special smell of nature.
  • By important landmarks: Apart from the sun, stars, earth's magnetic field and smell, birds also remember important landmarks (such as sea, forest or mountain range) coming in the way during their migration journey.

Migratory birds coming to India:

  • Every year many migratory birds come to India, the main reason for which is India's location on important migratory routes like the Central Asian Flyway.
    • Siberian cranes coming from Siberia in Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary of Rajasthan
      • They are also called 'snow cranes'.
    • Bar-headed goose coming from Tibet and Central Asia in many wetlands of North India
    • Amur Falcon in Nagaland
    • Greater Flamingo in Kutch of Gujarat and Thane Creek of Mumbai
      • It is probably the only bird with long pink legs in the world.
    • Water birds like Ruddy Shelduck and Northern Pintail that take shelter on the banks of India's lakes and rivers
    • Eurasian Sparrowhawk raptor species that migrate to India during winter
    • Rosy Starling from West Asia that comes to Rajasthan and Gujarat
  • India's diverse ecosystem is an important migration site for these migratory birds which plays an important role in their migration cycle.
  • Migratory birds like Hornbill, Pelican and Duck that come to Delhi Zoo
  • Many migratory birds like Pheasant, Cowdilla, Pin Tail, Spotted Red Shank, Surkhab and Brahminy Duck come and stay in Bakhira Lake in Basti district of Uttar Pradesh every year from November to January.

Know this too!

  • Bird Ringing: This is a scientific method of collecting information about migratory birds. In this, aluminium rings are worn on the legs of migratory birds and after recording their details, they are released in the sky.
    • The rings have the serial number and the address of the person wearing the ring written on them so that if anyone finds the bird in any condition, he can inform the person who made the bird wear the ring.
  • Salim Ali: He is known as the 'Bird Man of India' due to his important contribution to the natural habitat, nature and migration of birds in India.
    • The Book of Indian Birds is his famous book.
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