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World's largest coral found in Pacific Ocean

Why in news?

  • Scientists have found the largest coral ever in the southwest Pacific Ocean.
  • Mega coral, which is a collection of many connected, smaller organisms.
  • It was discovered in Solomon Islands.
    • This island is located about 2,000 km north-east of Australia.
  • It can be more than 300 years old.
  • According to the discoverer, seeing the coral was like seeing an "underwater cathedral".
    • They say that it is even bigger than a blue whale.
  • It is 34 meters wide, 32 meters long and 5.5 meters high.


  • It is a type of marine organism.
  • It is also called Praval.
  • They are made up of genetically similar organisms, called polyps.
  • There is a mutual relationship between corals and algae.
    • Corals provide algae with compounds necessary for photosynthesis.
    • In return, algae provide carbohydrates to corals.
  • These are lime-based organisms with a hard structure.
  • The calcium carbonate released by them forms rocks inside the sea.
    • These are called coral reefs or coral rocks.
    • Coral reefs are also called rainforests of the sea.
    • These are the second richest ecosystem in the world.

Favourable conditions for corals:

  • Temperature:
    • Most hard corals thrive in water ranging from 23° to 29° Celsius.
    • Some corals can also live in temperatures ranging from 20° to 32° Celsius.
  • Salinity of water:
    • They need salty water to survive.
    • The salinity of sea water should be between 27% and 40%.
  • Water depth:
    • They are adapted to living at depths less than 30 metres (100 feet).
  • Light:
    • They require a lot of light.
  • Water transparency:
    • Corals do not grow well if the water is opaque.
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