The Biggest Holi Offer UPTO 75% Off, Offer Valid Till : 12 March Call Our Course Coordinator: 9555124124 Request Call Back The Biggest Holi Offer UPTO 75% Off, Offer Valid Till : 12 March Call Our Course Coordinator: 9555124124 Request Call Back


  • Bhaona is a traditional art form of entertainment in Assam in which A drama based on mythology is performed to spread religious messages. It mainly belongs to the Vaishnava sect . 
  • Bhaona was started about 500 years ago by Saint Shankardev. It consists of staging ‘Ankia nat’ composed by Shankardev . It is staged in 'Jatra' (Vaishnavite monastery) and 'Namghar' (temple). The Majuli region of Assam is considered to be the main center of Bhona. 
  • In Bhona, artists equipped with special costumes and ornaments perform plays, dialogues, songs and dances. It includes traditional instruments; Tal, Doba, Khol, Nagara and traditional weapons; The bow and sword. 
  • Assamese and Brajbuli languages are used in Bhaona. There are three types of it - 1. Mukha Bhona, 2. Boca Bhona 3. Baresaria Bhona. 
  • It is noteworthy that Bhoana was staged in Abu Dhabi in October 2019. At present, Bhoana is being staged by political parties to attract local people during the election campaign in Assam.
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