GS Foundation (P+M) - Delhi: 26 Feb, 11:00 AM GS Foundation (P+M) - Prayagraj: 15 Feb, 10:30 AM Call Our Course Coordinator: 9555124124 GS Foundation (P+M) - Delhi: 26 Feb, 11:00 AM GS Foundation (P+M) - Prayagraj: 15 Feb, 10:30 AM Call Our Course Coordinator: 9555124124

Extended Reality

  • Extended Reality (XR) refers to all real-and-virtual combined environments and human-machine interactions generated by computer technology. It is an umbrella term that covers virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) etc.
  • The technology aims to connect or mirror the physical world with a digital twin world capable of interacting with each other through three-dimensional images.
  • The most common example of the use of Augmented Reality is the Pokémon Go game. Another example is photo filters, which create an illusion of being there, but they are not.
  • An MoU was signed between ISRO and IIT Madras to collaborate on application of XR and other technologies in Indian Human Spaceflight Program (IHSP). IIT Madras will develop training module for IHSP using XR.
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