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Galaxy AGC 114905

  • Astronomers led by researchers from the Netherlands discovered A galaxy named 'A.G.C. '114905' in which no 'dark matter' is present. It is an 'ultra-diffuse dwarf galaxy', located about 250 million light-years away from the Earth.
  • 'Dark matter' is such an element of the universe, whose presence is detected by its high gravitational force. Due to the high concentration of dark matter light cannot pass through it.
  • Researchers detected this galaxy with the help of 'Very Large Array Telescope' situated in Mexico and collected data related to the rotating gases in it. By analyzing these data, he found that the motion of gases can be fully understood like that of ordinary matter.
  • 'Very Large Array Telescope' is the most powerful 'radio telescope' used for astronomical studies in the world. It is capable of detecting and mapping gases and molecular structures.
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