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Hemorrhagic Septicaemia

  • Haemorrhagic septicaemia, often seen in cows and buffaloes is a bacterial disease. The disease generally spreads in the period right before and after the monsoons.
  • Disease spreads because of the bacteria "Paschurela Maltoseeda’. Buffaloes are more affected by this disease than cows. The disease in animals was first identified in Germany in the year 1878 by a scientist named Bolinagar.
  • High fever, frequent mouth saliva, swollen throat, difficulty in breathing, etc. are the main symptoms of this disease. Due to this, sometimes the animal also dies suddenly. To prevent this, animals are vaccinated, the first vaccination is done at 3 months and the second at 9 months of age.
  • The maximum prevalence of this disease has been seen in Southeast Asia and Africa . Recently, six elephants died due to the disease at Karlapat Wildlife Sanctuary in Kalahandi district of Odisha.
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