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INS Valsura

  • 'I.N.S. Valsura’ is the Navy's premier technical training establishment located at Jamnagar, Gujarat, which includes the School of Electrical Equipment and Technology, School of Information Technology, Electronics Engineering Centre etc.
  • First time it was commissioned in the year 1942. After some time, the Royal Indian Navy's Torpedo School was established here, in which officers and men were trained in the torpedo field as well as in the electric field.
  • After independence the Torpedo School was shifted to Cochin. Along with expanding its size again, Naval Electrical Engineering was established in the year 1948. It was renamed as INS Valsura on 26 January 1950.
  • Recently, the President of the country honoured 'President Colour' to the INS Valsura in recognition of the exceptional service rendered to the nation in both peace and war fields. The Navy was the first Indian Armed Forces, which was awarded with the 'President Colour' by Dr. Rajendra Prasad in the year 1951.
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