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Minervarya Pentali

• Researchers from University of Delhi have discovered the new frog species named Minervarya Pentali from the globally recognised Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot. The newly-discovered species is endemic to the southern Western Ghats mainly Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

• The discovery was made during a comprehensive study on a considerably large, common, yet a confusing group of Indian frogs genus Minervarya (common name: Minervaryan frogs). This species is one among the smallest known Minervaryan frogs.

• The new species belonging to the family Dicroglossidae, was identified based on multiple criteria, such as external morphology, DNA and calling pattern. Researchers have named a newly-discovered frog species after former vice chancellor and renowned plant geneticist Prof. Deepak Pental.

• The amphibian diversity in this region is particularly remarkable as more than half species of all known Indian species (450 species) are found in the Western Ghats. Besides, over 90% of these are endemic to this region, which means they are not found anywhere else in the world.

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