GS Foundation (P+M) - Delhi: 26 Feb, 11:00 AM GS Foundation (P+M) - Prayagraj: 15 Feb, 10:30 AM Call Our Course Coordinator: 9555124124 GS Foundation (P+M) - Delhi: 26 Feb, 11:00 AM GS Foundation (P+M) - Prayagraj: 15 Feb, 10:30 AM Call Our Course Coordinator: 9555124124

National Mission on Cultural Mapping (NMCM)

In the year 2017, the 'Ministry of Culture' launched the 'National Mission on Cultural Mapping' to preserve the rich art and cultural heritage of India. Now the responsibility of implementation of this mission has been handed over to the ‘Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts’ (IGNCA).

Through the cultural mapping, NMCM helps in creating a consolidated database of cultural assets and an inventory of cultural resources. Consequently, sustainable economic development and preservation of scattered and extinct art forms can be ensured.

Cultural assets and resources include various art forms, individual artists, artists’ community, cultural organizations, cultural spaces and facilities, creative cultural industries, festivals & events, heritage properties, landmarks etc.

The work of creating a database for folk arts and mapping the heritage of villages will be done in five years. Additionally, those villages will also be selected, which were the parts of the freedom movement. No direct benefit or assistance has been given through this Mission to the registered artists/institutions.

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