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NETRA Project

  • 'Netra Project' (Network for Space Objects Tracking and Analysis: NETRA Project) was launched by the Indian Space Research Organization in the year 2019 to keep Indian satellites safe from debris and other threats. It is an early warning system.
  • Radars, Telescopes, Control Centers and Data Processing Units are being set up at various locations in India under the NETRA project, with the aim of making the tracking facilities of even the smallest of debris powerful enough. These are being indigenously designed and manufactured.
  • As part of establishing an effective surveillance and tracking network, A radar and an optical telescope are being installed to track space debris along the distance of 1500 km height. It will be able to detect and monitor objects of 10 cm size or more.
  • It is known that in about 50 years, thousands of small and big satellites have been installed in space by the world and India, out of which many satellites are currently not working which are roaming in space as garbage, there is a possibility of colliding with working satellites.
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