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Red-eared Slider Turtle

  • Recently a report said that a 'cute' American Turtle popular as pet is threatening to invade the natural water bodies across the Northeast, which is home to 21 of the 29 vulnerable native Indian species of freshwater turtles and tortoises.
  • The herpetologists from the NGO 'Help Earth' found red-eared sliders in the Deepor Beel Wildlife Sanctuary and the Ugratara temple pond, both in the Guwahati. Due to its invasive nature efforts are being made to prevent it from overtaking the Brahmaputra and other rive ecosystems in the Northeast.
  • The red-eared slider drives it's name from red stripes around the part where it's ears would be and from its ability to slide quickly off any surface into the water. It's zoological name is 'Trachemys scripta elegans'.
  • A native to the US and northern Mexico, This turtle is an extremely popular pet. But on the flip side it grows fast and virtually leave nothing for the native species to eat.
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