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Sacred Grove

  • Sacred Grove is an environmental concept. It is known by the name 'Devrai' in Marathi. In other countries this concept is known as 'Church Forest'.
  • Sacred groves are such land areas with natural vegetation, which have been protected since ancient age on religious and cultural basis. These regions include North-East Himalaya, Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats, Coastal region, Central Plateau and Western parts of India.
  • These areas are rich in biodiversity as well as being the habitat of many important species and mostly located near a perennial water source. Even today, many communities of India worship and protect trees. The Gond community does not chop green trees.
  • Due to the ever increasing human population, climate change and deforestation, the sacred groves of India are decreasing rapidly. Therefore, special legislation is being sought to preserve and protect its functional values.
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