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Satellite-based monitoring of Himalayan glaciers

  • Scientists of IIT Kanpur in collaboration with Department of Science and Technology (DST), government of India found in a study that satellite-based monitoring of Himalayan glacial catchment would improve understanding of flood risk in the region and help inform an early flood warning system.
  • Suitably called Earth's "Third Pole" the Himalayan region is home to the largest ice mass outside of the planets Polar Regions. Due to climate change the glaciers in the Himalayas are melting at a faster rate creating new lakes and expanding the existing ones.
  • However, the remote, challenging Himalayan terrain and the overall lack of cellular connectivity throughout the region have made the development of early flood warning system virtually impossible. Therefore, satellite-based surveillance can mitigate damage from future flood accidents.
  • The study team suggests that efforts to help mitigate Glacial Lake Outbursts Floods (GLOF) events in the future should include the creation of a network of *satellite-based monitoring stations that could provide in situ and real-time data on GOLF risk.
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