GS Foundation (P+M) - Delhi: 26 Feb, 11:00 AM GS Foundation (P+M) - Prayagraj: 15 Feb, 10:30 AM Call Our Course Coordinator: 9555124124 GS Foundation (P+M) - Delhi: 26 Feb, 11:00 AM GS Foundation (P+M) - Prayagraj: 15 Feb, 10:30 AM Call Our Course Coordinator: 9555124124


  • 'Saubhagya Yojana' (Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana) was launched on 25 September, 2017. It is one of the largest household electrification schemes in the world. Since the launch of Saubhagya scheme, 2.82 crore households have been electrified till 31st March, 2021.
  • The objective of the scheme was achieving Universal Household Electrification in the country through connectivity and access to electricity to all un-electrified households in rural areas and poor households in urban areas.
  • In this scheme to ensure the electricity supply to households a service cable is provided from the nearest pole to house and a power meter is installed. Additionally, wiring for a single light point with LED bulb and a mobile charging point is also provided.
  • The journey started with Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY), under which the creation of basic electricity infrastructure in villages was envisaged. This scheme was focused on strengthening and augmenting the existing infrastructure and metering of feeders, distribution transformers etc. to improve the quality and reliability of power supply in rural areas.
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