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Solar Cycle Prediction

  • Kodaikanal Solar Observatory has studied solar cruises by digitized data. This will help in studying the magnetic field produced in the inner part of the Sun, which is responsible for 'Sunspots' appearing on the surface of the Sun. Due to this, extreme conditions like miniature ice age (lack of solar spots) arise on the earth.
  • The speed of the Sun is higher at the equator than at its poles, the change in its cruising speed over time makes the magnetic field more complex , causing 'solar spots / stigmas'. Solar spots generated due to magnetic complexity prevent the internal heat of the Sun from entering the surface, causing the heat to accidentally erupt. This creates a 'solar flare'.
  • 'Solar stigmas' are dark spots on the surface of the sun, which are warmer than other parts of the surface. From this, solar rotation can be assessed by studying the internal magnetism of the Sun.
  • Radio communication, polar light and GPS connectivity is affected on Earth due to excessive solar radiation emission due to 'solar flare’.
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