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Ubreathe Life

  • Scientists of Indian Institutes of Technology, Ropar in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and Delhi University have developed a living-plant based air purifier ‘Ubreathe Life’. This amplifies the air purification process in the indoor spaces.
  • IIT Ropar’s startup company, Urban Air Laboratory has developed the product. It to be world’s first, state-of-the art ‘Smart Bio-Filter’ that can make breathing fresh. It has been incubated at IIT Ropar, which is a designated iHub - AWaDH (Agriculture and Water Technology Development Hub) by the Department of Science and Technology.
  • The technology works through the air-purifying natural leafy plant. The room-air interacts with leaves and goes to the soil-root zone where maximum pollutants are nullified. According to a World Health Organization report the indoor air spaces are five times more polluted than outdoor air space.
  • The novel technology used in this product is ‘Urban Munnar Effect’ along with ‘Breathing Roots’ to exponentially amplify the phytoremediation process of the plants. Phytoremediation is a process by which plants effectively remove pollutants from the air.
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