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Whale Shark

  • Whale shark (Rainkodon Typus) is found in tropical and warm temperate marine areas Between 30 degrees north latitude to 35° south latitude in such oceanic regions, where the temperature is about 21 °.
  • They are found in deep shallow coastal areas. They are generally 5.5–10 m in size. They do not eat meat like other sharks. They filter seawater and feed on small plankton, so they are also called filter feeder sharks.
  • It is the largest mass threatened fish species, their number has decreased by more than half in the last 70 years.
  • Currently they have been listed as Endangered in the Red List published by IUCN and there is a danger of them becoming critically endengered in the next 5 years.
  • In the year 2001 they were included in Schedule-1 of Wildlife Protection Act-1972. it is known that India ranks second among shark fishing nations.
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