In a letter to Nagaland CM Neiphiu Rio on June 16, the government interlocutor with Naga entities and Governor R.N. Ravi, asserting his powers under Article 371A of the Constitution
PM Modi restated the case for greater reliance on solar power, for energy and as a path for self-reliant industrialisation, at the inauguration of a 750 MW photovoltaic project at Rewa, in Madhya Pradesh.
As the world settles into the work-from-home mode, there’s been a new challenge to contend with cyber security. Last incident of hacking Twitter Accounts in the recent Bitcoin scam has made it a matter of immediate concern.
The Corona virus outbreak has brought to the fore some of the traits of Indian federalism. COVID-19 has shown us how the current Constitutional framework impedes cooperative federalism on various subjects, especially the health and the distribution of finance.
Amid rising COVID-19 cases, heavy rainfall with the start of the 2020 Monsoon season triggered severe flooding in east and northeast India.
India and China’s border dispute turned into a deadly clash for the first time in more than four decades. Casualties took place on both sides.
Delhi-NCR has witnessed more than 10 mild earthquakes since May which raised a binary speculation of either a big earthquake in near future or reduction in risk of an intense earthquake due to dissipation of energy through these low intensity tremors.
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